
Engage in a conversation about our community

1000 Conversations to Shape Our Future
Waterloo Region Community Gathering

Come help shape the future of your community.
This year you participated in a conversation about community as part of Tamarack – An Institute for Community Engagement’s 1000 Conversations to Shape Our Future campaign.  We want to thank you for sharing with us, now it is our turn to share with you.  We would like to invite you to a gathering we are hosting in collaboration with New Story Group, the Kitchener-Waterloo Social Planning Council, Festival of Neighbourhoods, Multicultural Cinema Club and the Abrahamic Peace Builders.  This gathering will be a chance to connect with the many different people who have shared in this campaign, to hear the stories and insights that emerged and then together help shape a vision for community in Waterloo region.
Come join us to learn, have fun together and create a common vision for our community.  A free lunch and child care is provided.
Date February 8th
Time: 10am-1pm
Location: K-W YWCA Mary’s Place Community Room 84 Frederick St, Kitchener
Please RSVP by February 5th. Register at http://whatcommunitymeans.eventbrite.ca or contact Gillian 519-579-1096 Ext *3008. 
Questions?  Contact: Derek Alton – Derek@tamarackcommunity.ca


Neighbourhood Mobilization Alliance Meeting, Wed, January 15

The next Neighbourhood Mobilization Alliance meeting is Wednesday, January 15th at 7pm in the Conestoga Room of Kitchener City Hall.

Our last meeting, November 20th was not held due to lack of representation from the City. We will be discussing the items on the November 20th agenda on Wednesday evening.

We hope to see you on Wednesday


Neighbourhood Association Meeting, Sat 11, !0 am

Come join us for our Neighbourhood Association Meeting, Sat 11, !0 am.

We will be in room 201 of the Breithaupt Centre. Executive members will be there and the public is always welcome. 


MHBPNA programming at Breithaupt Centre

In November of 2013 we announced several programs we were proposing to run at the Breithaupt Centre. The majority of the programs there are run by the City. If our neighbourhood association runs programs and profits from them, then we can use those funds and do other things for our community.

Due to low enrollment, only one program will be running in January: 

4-6 Years              Thu  5:30- 6:30 pm Jan 16       153509
Fee: $25.00   /8 wks
Play based free form LEGO building. Let your child's imagination build!  10 lbs of assorted LEGO and lots of kids.

There are still a few spots left in this program, so you can sign up in person at the Breithaupt Centre, or by entering "webreg kitchener" in Google or another search engine.