
Neighbourhood Design Charrette for Midtown (April 2019)

 The city of Kitchener is working on developing a “Secondary Plan” for the area they call “KW Hospital – Midtown”. This includes part of the Mt. Hope section of the Mt Hope – Breithaupt Park neighbourhood.

General information about this Secondary Plan process is located on the city’s website here.

An open house describing the design process was held at the Victoria Park Pavilion on April 18th. City staff discussed how this process evolved from previous studies and consultation including PARTS (Planning Around Rapid Transit Stations) and RIENS (Residential Intensification in Established Neighbourhoods).

The open house included many helpful posters displaying the key concepts involved in this type of planning. The city will be putting up all the content from the open house soon, so it is a good idea to use the subscribe to this page feature so you can be notified about new content that is added.

The Design Charrette will be held on May 15th from 6 – 8 pm in City Hall’s Conestoga Room.

Here is the full text of the invitation from the city:

Good Afternoon Midtown Neighbours,

As part of the Neighbourhood Secondary Planning process that is currently underway for the Midtown neighbourhood—City staff will be developing a set of urban design guidelines for ‘Residential Infill in Central Neighbourhoods’.

This document will apply to all neighbourhoods within the central city area, and in addition, we hope to have a section that contains guidelines unique to each neighbourhood.   As it stands, the general guidelines have been drafted that will apply to all neighbourhoods—these guidelines will address things like building placement, setbacks, garage projects, landscaping, building design and massing, etc.

We would like to invite you to join staff in a design charrette intended to develop the unique set of neighbourhood design guidelines for Midtown.

The 2 hour design charrette will take place at the following time/location:

Wednesday, May 15th 2019 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at City Hall Conestoga Room (1st Floor)

I’m hoping you will join planning and urban design staff to share your experience, vision and ideas for the Midtown Neighbourhood.

Your RSVP prior to May 10th would be greatly appreciated.

Please be advised that the goals and objectives of the charrette are to explore design guidance for the public realm and local neighbourhood. Property specific zoning or other questions pertaining to individual properties will not be discussed at the meeting.

Dayna Edwards, M.PL, MCIP, RPP  
Senior Planner (Urban Design) | Planning Division | City of Kitchener
519-741-2200 ext. 7324 | TTY 1-866-969-9994 | dayna.edwards@kitchener.ca

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