
Executive Elected, Constitution Passed!

The MHBPNA had our annual meeting on October 28th at the Breithaupt Centre. Three very important things happened:

1) Architect John MacDonald discussed how we might use the free cultural assessment we won at the Festival of Neighbourhoods in 2008. Several ideas were discussed and after researching some options we will meet again.

2) We elected an executive for the next year. President: Trudy Beaulne, Secretary: Laurie Donaldson, Co-Treasurers: Helen Lippert and Joan Lazarski, Communications Director: Ted Parkinson. We still have openings for Programs Director, Special Events Director and Partnerships Director. Please send us an email if you are interested. Descriptions for all positions can be found in our constitution.

3) We passed our constitution! The full text of our constitution has been uploaded to the MHBPNA Website. Click here to view it. We spent several meetings developing the constitution and modeled it on those used by other Kitchener neighbourhood associations. We believe it is clear, easy to understand and will provide a solid structure for our future initiatives.

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