
Kitchener, who the heck are you?

Who are you, Kitchener? It’s an important question. And your answers will help to shape the future of our city!
We welcome and encourage members of your community group to participate in Compass Kitchener’s second Who-are-you-Kitchener? community consultation.

Running from March 5 through May 5, 2010, we’re looking to engage as many Kitchener residents and community stakeholders as possible in this important community conversation about our city’s future. 

There are lots of simple ways that you can be part of the discussion – as a group or as individuals:
Attend a World-Café Style Workshop:

    Forest Heights Community Centre, Room 1
    Wednesday, March 17, 7-9 pm
    Country Hills Community Centre, Room 2
    Wednesday, March 31, 7-9 pm
    City Hall Rotunda
    Thursday, April 15, 4-6 pm
For more information, and to fill out an online survey, go to www.who-are-you.kitchener.ca

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