
2019 AGM, 10 am, November 2


Come out to our Annual General Meeting

10 am, Saturday, November 2, Breithaupt Centre Room 201

Learn about your neighbourhood. Mt. Hope – Breithaupt Park is part of a city with a new LRT and great plans for the future. We will have “special guests” from the City of Kitchener to talk about cycling and traffic infrastructure and other issues. Our Councilor Sarah Marsh will be there and deliver a “city update”. Justin Readman from the City of Kitchener will be presenting on: Complete streets and cycling and trails master plan!

Learn about the MHBPNA: Members of the executive will discuss events we sponsored and assisted with over the past year including soccer programs, Duke St West Music Fest, the Big Breithaupt Campout, our Garage Sale, and City planning and development meetings where we have contributed our perspective. We will also have a Financial report.

Meet your neighbours! Have a coffee and refreshments on us! Aside from the formal presentation and elections everyone benefits from the time to connect with neighbours and friends over a coffee. You can discuss street closures, events you are planning and what is going on in your lives. You will be surprised who you meet!

Election of the executive: we rely on the volunteers who sit on the executive to coordinate our events. We have many formal positions laid out in our constitution but we have tried to make it easy for anyone to participate. You can join the executive at the AGM (or afterwards) and decide in the future what position you would like. Or just be a “Member at Large” and help with whatever projects you find interesting.

–We will have Lego for the kids to play with. What’s more fun than a table full of Lego? Nothing!

Everyone is welcome. You do not have to live in our ‘hood to come out to the meeting.
If you have any questions, please email us at “mhbpna@gmail.com”


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